Wednesday, April 17, 2013

c's 14th week

Another week has come and gone and there's not a whole lot to say.  I still enjoy sharing C's pictures and know that this will be a cool keepsake for C someday, but it is getting hard to come up with things to say every week.  It is especially difficult during the weeks when nothing exciting happens.  When all we do is the same old things that must happen in life like nursing, napping, diaper changes, playing, and sleeping. 

The one exciting moment for this mommy was when C finally GOT what tummy time is all about.  Instead of laying on his tummy crying, he finally lifted his head up this week! He raised his head up nice and high and managed to keep it up for quite a long time.  I was THRILLED! I know it is not a competition and that every kid is different, but let me be honest in saying that I was a tad bit worried that others his age were mastering tummy time and C was not.  It made this momma's heart worry that something might be wrong or that I wasn't doing something right.  Thankfully I can put it behind me (until the next milestone needs to be reached) as he is now the KING of tummy time! :) 

Day 92 (4/2)
See...he can smile! :)

Day 93
Hanging out with C's Great-grandma.  
Watching the two of them reminded me of how much life is this cycle that begins and ends in very similar ways.  The young and old so desperately need others in their lives....

Day 94
Chillin' out at Aunty O's coffee shop, The Coffee Bar on Nimman Soi 7!

Day 95
Playing will all of his toys!

Day 96
Laker Boys!

Day 97 (4/7)
Tummy time...SUCCESS! 

Day 98
Another outtake...lots of kisses for C!

Again mom?!? :)

...Things to Remember...
- C has been left home with his Apo again this week while I was out with some wonderful ladies and Matt was out with some guys.  We were both gone for about 2 hours, so it is for sure a good start!
- C got some more cool stuff from the US as Grandpa came home from his trip.  We got a cool bouncer that we can't wait for C to try out once his neck gets stronger.
- C is now totally getting something out of his tummy time.  Overnight he finally got it and can now lift his head up! YAY!
- On a personal note, since C hit 3 months, I have been losing hair on my head like CRAZY! It is absolutely disgusting and scary how much hair falls out every time I wash it or brush it.  I'm hoping it will stop soon or I may just go bald! YIKES!

(Linking up with P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday, Our World TuesdayTuesdays Around The WorldLittle Things Thursday, Che and Fidel, Photo Story Friday, Favorite Photo Friday, Sunday Snapshot, Simple Things Sunday, and Give Me Your Best Shot.)


  1. He's such a darling! :-) And don't worry about the hair, it seems like lots, but no one I know has gotten any bald patches. ;-) It'll grow back.

  2. Our babies always hated tummy time at first and it took awhile for them to enjoy it. But once they get it, it is great! You are right, it is not a competition. C is so cute! Don't worry about your hair! It will all come back. It is a bit disturbing at first. :)


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