The grade twos and grade threes went to a day camp recently. It was unlike any place I’ve ever been. The camp was at a park that is on a hill. The park basically contains a large three story building that is full of rooms that contain an assortment of activities, a couple of playgrounds, a play house, and a couple of paths that lead to a bike riding area and horse riding area. The thing that was most bizarre for me was the building with all the rooms for activities. Some of the activities in these rooms that are available for visitors to try include rock climbing, playing pool, playing crochet, air hockey machines, and even archery. Since there isn’t much space, this building made sense, but still I found it odd. I would have preferred to have all of these activities outside as these kids really don’t get much time to play outside as there just isn’t that much space anywhere in HK. It definitely made me appreciate all the space I had growing up!
View from the park across to the island...
Wow, that would definitely be interesting having everything inside. I'm glad you guys got to go! I'm missing you Mel. =) You're going to Thailand for Christmas? My Christmas letter is almost finished, can I have your HK address? Love you!